Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cheney Anastasia Duvall M.D.

Has there ever been a book that you have read over and over, until you have basically memorized the pages? I read the Cheney Duvall M.D. series multiple times when I was around 12 and 13. I thought that this blog could be about an old memory of mine... and while talking with a friend several days ago, I remembered this series of books.
I'm not sure that I can bring you to a full understanding of how much I loved these books... If you go to the library and pick one up off the shelf... that grape juice stain on the back of "In the Twilight In the Evening", yeah that's me. The wear and tear seen on "Shadow of the Mountains" is because I hauled that book around in my purse everywhere I went. I read them over and over and over.
The Cheney Duvall M.D. series is the story of a young girl who graduates from the first women's medical school in the United States. The time period is the late 1800's. With her ambitious degree and shocking independency, Dr. Duvall sets off on a medical adventure in each of her books (eight total). It wasn't just the stories that I loved... I'm pretty sure I adored everything about these books. It was pure delight to read the details about each exquisite party gown she wore... I enjoyed every drop of blood and slice of the scalpel (you have to remember that I wanted to be a general surgeon from the age of 11 to the age of 17... I wonder why?)... I loved Cheney. She was strongwilled, independent, beautiful, had a beauty-mark on her cheek, craved blood and guts, and loved God. And did I mention that she could shoot a gun better than any man she encountered?
There was even a point where I would have loved to change my name to Cheney Anastasia Duvall! I knew in my 12 year old mind, however, that my parents wouldn't be happy that I wasn't a Sooter anymore; therefore, I grudgingly decided to only change my first and middle name. (I'm guessing that I thought at that time it wouldn't offend my parents to change all but my last name.)
All of those things I loved... but there was something I liked even better about these books. His name was Shiloh Irons. Yes. My first "fictional character" crush was on the man in this book. He was Cheney's nurse... (see how the roles were switched?) and boy, was he great. According to the book (and my own visualization of him) he was 6'4'', blond, buff, and manly. He was a former boxer who had no nursing experience, and was suffering from a loss of identity. He grew up in an orphanage in Louisiana, and never knew who is family was. He didn't even know his real name. He was named Shiloh because of the company name that was printed on the box he was found in, and his last name came from his fame in fighting. He was loyal, mysterious, and he wore flannel. What more could a 12 year old want?
I eventually got over my love for Shiloh... and stopped reading the books once I was remembering words and quotes... and I haven't read them since. But that will always be a fond and funny memory that I have... and could possibly explain why I still like shaggy hair and flannel shirts.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.....does that bring back memories. I so remember you reading those books, talking about changing your name and your crush on Shiloh.I'm not sure those books are responsible for your shaggy hair and flannel shirt attraction though. I think that is more an inherited type's part of what attracted me to your daddy. Love you the moon and the stars, marm
