Friday, May 28, 2010

Word to the Wise

Dear friends,
   Here is a lesson learned from my own personal experience...
When you are normally in the habit of calling your mother on the phone around the time before you go to bed, and you forget and lay down in bed without calling her... don't. Set some type of alarm that will remind you, or place a sticky-note by your pillow. Why such a big deal you ask? I'll tell you. If you go to bed at 9:45 without remembering to call your mother... she'll call you at 10:08 wondering why you sound so groggy. If you tell her you were asleep... be prepared for her to gasp in shock and say "You forgot about me??". And worst of all, for the next three days that you call her she'll answer the phone by saying, "Forgotten Mother's Association, how may I help you?". You might even get the supposed voicemail; which says, "You have reached the Forgotten Mother's Association. Unfortunately, either all phones are busy or all Mothers are meeting to lament their lost identity. Please, leave a message after the beep."

                           Yours sincerely and regretfully,
                                                    Savannah Sooter


  1. People who don't know us have to understand....for three years you have called me every night as you crawl into bed (unless you are out of the country). You have told me in your snuggly, sleepy voice "but I can't go to sleep without talking to you". So at 10:08 I called you so that YOU! wouldn't wake me at 10:15 (with your snuggly, sleepy voice....or the ringing of your seatbelt reminder). Never did I expect to wake you up out of a dead sleep and hear the words...."I'm sorry....I forgot. Jennifers spending the night and I just forgot". I would rather believe that Jennifer clobbered you in a pillow fight that caused temporary amnesia than believe that you just forgot. I do not want to be a member of the FMA. I love you the moon and the stars, marm

  2. Dear readers,
    I only say "but I can't sleep without talking to you" as a joke on nights when I want to talk with her more, when she is ready to get off the phone. It's a joke.
    I actually do have the ability to fall asleep without talking to her... hence, the other night.
