Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Poem for Amanda

I have a best friend who is sweet as can be,
She’s sassy, she’s spunky – she’s stronger than me!

Her freckles are lovely, set off by red hair.
But saying you like them will earn you a glare.

Her eyes clearly are hazel, do not call them brown!
She might sigh, huff and puff and then fake a frown.

She knows how to paint, to draw and to sew.
She is quite the accomplished, that anyone would know.

She’s there when I need her, she’ll drive all the way,
She knows how to listen and just what to say.
Conversing with her, the topics always are deep.
She’s one of the few that keeps making me think.

Amanda, dear Amanda, my sweet pal and bud –
Until you move here with me… my tears will make mud.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Few Ode-to-WKU Letters...

A beautiful campus, located on top of the only hill in Bowling Green, KY.
Our school mascot. Supposedly, red blobs represent a "hill-topper."
Just saying "hilltoppers" did not prepare me for the breath-taking (literally) campus.

Dear WKU, School of "the Hill-Toppers",
   I know that you think that your steep hills and practically vertical stair cases are "good for my health" but in actuality I prefer life, not death.
       I'm Completely Out of Breath

Dear WKU,
   I know that as a student of your University I am considered a "hill-topper"; however, the truth of the matter is... I don't "top" hills. Heck, I can't even skip-to-my-lou.
      I Despise Walking On Up Campus

**Slight Dramatization**

Dear Subway on Campus,
   When I ask for extra napkins, I would appreciate it if you pretended NOT to know they were for mopping up my sweating face. It's your fault you are located at the top of the hill. Not mine.
Next Time I'll Pack My Own Lunch and Napkins

Dear Subway on Campus,
   Why didn't you tell me that you aren't the only Subway on campus, and that there was one closer to my office building??
       Slightly Peeved and Still Out of Breath

Dear Young and Slightly Vain Students,
    I know how inviting the grassy knoll in the middle of campus is, but it is not actually for you to lay sunbathing on.
I've Never Seen That Many Bikinis On Campus Before

Dear Lost Freshman,
    Please. When you are standing in between classrooms 110 and 109 -- don't ask me if I can help you find room 107 with a confused look on your face.
     Guess Who Is Unobservant?

Monday, August 29, 2011

A New 'First Day'

Today is the first "official" day of classes on the campus of Western Kentucky University, but it's not the same "first day of class" as it has been for the past 4 years.

I didn't go to prayer at 7:14 AM in the Curris Center at Murray State University. Instead, I prayed in my apartment. Instead of pacing in front of the same 4 potted plants that I have for years... I paced the three inches that the cord on my hair-straightner allowed me.

Breakfast was not in the T-room with all of my wonderful friends. Heck, I didn't even eat this morning -- I forgot (until now).

Parking was actually easier, and closer to my location (thanks to the gigantic parking structure in front of the Academic Complex building), and I was completely grateful for my $90 parking permit.

I'm not sitting at a desk that my thighs don't fit under in Sparks Hall (but don't get me wrong, I love that desk!) I'm sitting at a big-girl (that I am) desk with homework spread in front of me and nothing to work on besides that.

I'm not dirty-dishwater-blonde... I'm a red head.

I didn't wake up with 4 roommates in my house. One still sleeping, one eating cereal and doing her quiet time at the breakfast table, one leaning against the counter while she eats her breakfast, and the other thumping around upstairs. It was just me, and my cats (all outside, homeless, lonely ones) David and Calypso meowing outside my door for their morning chow.

I'm not carrying a backpack with all the books I could possibly need for homework and classes (in order to stay on campus without leaving), rather I'm carrying a highly fashionable and completely unlike me Vera Bradley bag with enough homework to complete 2 class assignments (which is oddly heavier than my back pack in Murray would be).

Today, Katie Gagel is not on Gmail to gab to about the latest happenings, my new red hair, the fact that I really want to fly, or that I'm still waiting for my Toms to come in the mail. Instead, she is most likely getting ready for bed... as it is around 10 PM Buson-Korea-time.

On the first day of classes... my classes aren't actually starting. Blackboard is up and running, giving me plenty to do, pages to write, and dozens of chapters to attempt to absorb; however, face-to-face classes don't start until September 10th. Shockingly enough, I will only meet a total of 6 times for each class. Yes, they are 4 hour classes... but six meetings seems so few compared to MWF and TR classes.

Tonight is the night that everyone in XA meets in the Red Zone? or Fresh Foods? (I can't remember) for dinner and meeting new people. We are not meeting in Winslop.

When I ran into a professor in the social work department today, I did not say "Dr. Chakradhar!! It's so good to see you again! How was your summer!? Have you made your rag rug yet?" Instead, I say "Hi. I'm Savannah, the new GA. You met me at orientation but I have no idea what your name is, can you remind me?" This awkward introduction is followed by an even more awkward handshake... I firmly grip is hand and shake it, then release and pull back too quickly. This causes the professor, who is still gripping my hand, to jerk forward. I guess this point should have said "today, awkward situations still happen to me."

Today I'm the lost-and-need-a-campus-map, befuddled and new person who can't answer any questions that come on the phone because I don't know any answers.

Yes, all of these things are new and different.... But a couple things remain the same.

Jesus still has His hand on my back, pushing forward to talk to the new student who came in the office to drop off papers, telling her how much I like her Bieber glasses.

When I realize that, while today is such a different "first day" than what I have had for the past four years, it's just as great, exciting and filled with new opportunities... He nods His head and smiles (I'm sure of it).

When I begin to feel stressed, panicked and overwhelmed with my schedule, He gently reminds me He is in control as He changes my schedule, my internship, and gives me a job where I can do homework.

When I feel lonely, He surrounds me and tells me something sweet.

When I find a picture of bird silhouette on a background of old lace and pressed flowers... I still squeal with delight and show the person closest to me.

It's a new day, with a big change. But it's the same me, the same source of joy, and I am still blessed and surrounded by good things.